Este alojamiento está altamente recomendado por Aracari Travel

Located in the historic centre of Arequipa, CIRQA shares an age-old bond with the San Agustín Church. Like the Church’s traditional parador, where monks would receive travellers with one-of-a-kind service and hearty cuisine, CIRQA was fervently inspired by the unbounded hospitality and ecclesiastical history that still define Arequipa to its core. Honouring this original concept, CIRQA is a place of both rest and fine cuisine. In the parador, travellers can embark on a myriad of excursions or choose to sample homegrown dishes in the several eating areas.


The estate echoes 1540 – the year in which Arequipa was built – and safeguards the unique character of its traditional arequipean architecture. CIRQA’s powerful walls, arches and columns, all made of volcanic sillar rock, were conserved as carefully as possible and form the timeless nucleus of the property on the first floor where carefully designed rooms, of which some have the original high-vaulted ceiling. The rooftop will be converted into an organic garden which serves as the base for a rural style picantería in the heart of the city.




CIRQA’s cuisine is inspired by the taste and ingredients of the traditional Arequipenean countryside picanterías, but in a contemporary format. While Arequipenean gastronomy is known for its abundance, use of local ingredients and spice, CIRQA adds a refined touch to every dish. All lunch and dinner options, locally-inspired or all-time classics, captivate the essence of Arequipa, its heritage, legacy and traditions.


Available only to guests
  • In-room check-in
  • 24-hour on-site concierge service
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi and mobile hotspot with 4G connection throughout the city
  • Spa and massages
  • Shop module:exclusively designed local products
  • Salón / Dining room: for the exclusive use of guests or with reservation beforehand