Top Tips For Traveling with Kids In Peru And Beyond

Top Tips For Traveling with Kids In Peru And Beyond, Aracari Travel

Here at Aracari, our team has been on our fair share of travel adventures with our kids. Family travel in Peru – and anywhere in the world – is an incredibly magical experience. Introducing kids to the world at a young age can be inspiring and rewarding. That said, traveling with kids involves special considerations to plan for a smooth adventure. Here are our top tips for traveling with kids in Peru.

Tips For Traveling With Kids in Peru

Consider your present self versus your remembering self.

Some experiences that are tiring or overwhelming in the moment are well worth the memories you’re building. When traveling with kids, this is really important to keep in mind. Getting from place to place with little ones might require extra effort, but your future self (and your kids’ future selves) will be so glad you put forth the extra energy to create a family experience you’ll look back on for years to come.

Give yourself plenty of extra time.

With kiddos, everything has the potential to take a bit longer. Budget extra time for that long walk to your airport gate, that taxi ride to your tour experience, and your journey to that restaurant down the street from your hotel you’ve been hoping to try. When you’re not cutting it close to tour start times or other deadlines, you’ll suddenly feel like you have all the time in the world – and the stress of getting kids from A to B won’t run so high.


Go with the flow.

In a logistical sense, budgeting extra time is certainly one aspect of going with the flow – but there’s also a mindset component. As any parent knows, there are some aspects of adventures with kids where you have little control of how the experience will go. Keep this in mind in advance. If a little one gets overtired at the most unexpected moment, just remember: this too shall pass. Keep calm, and remember that tomorrow is a brand new day of your trip!

Make Traveling With Kids In Peru And Beyond An Adventure

Think ahead for your flight.

Before you board your flight, gear up with back-ups of everything: extra drinks, snacks, earbuds, ear plugs, and anything else you might need. If you’re nervous about keeping everyone occupied in flight, new-to-them activities and goodies might be worth packing as well! If it’s your kiddos’ first flight, be sure to let the flight attendant know. They can make the experience extra special, and might even hand out a set of wings.


Help them get to know the destination before you go.

Introduce aspects of trip before you go by trying the foods of your destination, exploring kid-friendly books about the region, and talking to them about what you’ll see there. When they see it in person for the first time, it will be that much more exciting!


Rethink your destination from a kid-friendly standpoint.

If you’re visiting a destination you’ve been to before on your own, keep in mind that your kids will experience it differently than you did. Remember that certain sites and accommodations that might have been perfect for a traveling adult – like ones that include long walks, steep steps, or not so stroller-friendly paths – might not be quite so suited to a family.


See the wonder of your destination through their eyes.

Is there anything more thrilling than introducing your kids to a place you love? Seeing the experience through their eyes, and introducing them to the rich history of a place like Peru, makes whole adventure worth it.

Where To Go When Traveling With Kids In Peru

When it comes to traveling with little ones and teenagers alike, Peru has so many great activities to offer. And most importantly, Peruvian people love children so you will find your kids are welcome with smiles all along.  If you’re visiting with your kids, seek out adventures that are interactive, playful, or offer a chance to explore local wildlife. And Peru has plenty of all that.

For kids who love nature:

  • Exploring the Amazon with especially tailored  kid-friendly activities at a wonderful Lodge in Tambopata
  • Piranha fishing on an Amazon cruise
  • Swimming with sea lions in Lima
  • Whale watching in Mancora

For kids who love to learn:

  • A visit to the Choco Museo in Cusco or the Sacred Valley
  • Traditional textile or pottery workshops in Cusco, Chinchero or Ollantaytambo
  • Visits with local communities in the Sacred Valley
  • Exploring the animal designs in the Nazca Lines in Southern Peru

For kids who love adrenaline:

  • Hiking in the Sacred Valley
  • Zip lining at Skylodge Adventure Suites in Urubamba
  • White water rafting and stand up paddle boarding in the Sacred Valley

Our team has it down to a science when it comes designing family trips where our guides shine in their ability to engage your kids and keep them interested therefore lightening your load!

As the Sabel Soteres family who travelled with us last Summer shared with us:

“Fernando has a wide range of knowledge from ancient to modern Peru. He has great knowledge of nature: trees, animals & geology. He was very kind, patient and calm when working with our children”

Explore our Family Adventure in the Andes itinerary or Contact us today to create your own tailormade family  itinerary!


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