Urban Kitchen – Lima Cooking Workshop

Urban Kitchen – Lima Cooking Workshop, Aracari Travel

Lima is fast becoming known as the gastronomic capital of South America. We’re constantly raving about the amazing restaurants, many of which are recognised worldwide for their innovative approaches. Lima boasts nine eateries in the San Pellegrino Latin America’s 50 Best Restaurants List and dining at any of these restaurants is a great introduction to Peruvian food.

Lima cooking workshop – Immersion in Peruvian cuisine

But for true gastronomic travellers, an authentic and immersive introduction to Peruvian food happens in the markets and the kitchen which can be enjoyed with our Urban Kitchen experience with Peruvian professional chef, Ignacio Barrios.

Urban Kitchen – Lima Cooking Workshop, Aracari Travel

Lima-born Ignacio Barrios studied at the Cordon Bleu in London and went on to work in some of the UK’s top restaurants, including the Michelin-starred Wild Honey. He then moved to Madrid and worked under the famed Peruvian chef Gaston Acurio at his restaurant Astrid y Gaston, before returning to his homeland Peru. He started Urban Kitchen to share his love and passion for Peruvian food with visitors and locals alike.

Lima Cooking Workshop with a Twist

Spending time with Ignacio and learning to cook with him, you get to know the city’s thriving culinary scene. Start out with a visit to one of Lima’s popular local markets, led by Ignacio himself. Peruse the stalls and learn about exotic fruits, vegetables, fresh fish and other produce that are essential elements of Peruvian cuisine.

Urban Kitchen – Lima Cooking Workshop, Aracari Travel

Ignacio will then accompany you to Urban Kitchen’s purpose-built culinary venue for your private Lima cooking workshop where you’ll begin by preparing a classic Chilcano cocktail – a refreshing and popular Peruvian drink made with Pisco and ginger ale. Ignacio will share insight into some of the social and cultural aspects of Peru’s rich culinary history as you learn to cook four dishes hands-on under his expert guidance, using fresh ingredients.

Urban Kitchen – Lima Cooking Workshop, Aracari TravelThanks to the diversity of Peruvian food products and the influences on cooking traditions, you can choose in advance from several menu options that demonstrate Peru’s international acclaim as a mecca of gastronomy: Traditional Menu – ceviche, seafood and local classics; Nikkei Menu – Peruvian-Japanese fusion; Chifero Menu – Chinese-Peruvian fusion; Fine dining Menu; Regional Menu – specializing in Northern, Amazonian or Arequipeñan cuisine. All options can be tailored to suit dietary requirements.

At Aracari we carefully test all experiences before recommending them to our guests. Here’s the travel planning team trying out (and sampling!) Ingacio’s delicious ceviche.

Urban Kitchen – Lima Cooking Workshop, Aracari TravelThis Lima cooking class suits complete beginners to culinary pros who can soak up Ignacio’s expertise. Urban Kitchen suits couples, families and small groups. Classes are tailored and can be done any time of the day, but work best starting in the morning to dine on your culinary creations for lunch, or mid-afternoon to sit down for dinner.

Once the cooking is over, dine on your own creations accompanied by Ignacio. They say it always tastes better when you’ve made it yourself!

Urban Kitchen is one of many culinary experiences offered by Aracari. We work with other professional chefs, such as private chef Penelope Alzaomra for our Lima With Zest culinary experience.

To learn more about Peru’s rich gastronomic offerings, download our free culinary guide. For the real foodies, Aracari offers a special Peru with Flavor 10 day itinerary.

If you’d like to cook up your own feast of Peru’s finest dishes in a Lima cooking workshop, as part of a culinary trip to Peru, contact us or email travel@aracari.com.

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